Okay okay, yes there will be a give-a-way, but back to that in a minuet.
I love spring. Spring in fact is when I first started The Vintage Clothespin. Yep, it's been 2 years this month that I sold my first pair of oven mitts. Affectionately named "The Scrappy Mitt".
Spring is my creative time. I'm not sure why. Maybe it is the warm weather, maybe the sun and all the Vitamin D. Or maybe it is just when for no reason at all my mind starts to go and does not stop.
I'm in sort of a predicament. I have so many ideas in my head right now. So many in fact that if I don't start sewing them soon I'm afraid I'll loose them. My sweet husband suggested I draw my ideas out so I don't forget them. Oh sweet husband of mine, don't you remember...I CAN'T DRAW!! That is absolutely not a talent of mine. That is also why you will NEVER see sketches of things I'm working on. I simply don't have any and just plain can't make them.
In order for me to be able to sew these new ideas I have to have a place to put the finished product. (Umm, yeah I'm out of places to store things. I even moved everything out of our linen closet and renamed it "The Vintage Clothespin Storage Center").
Here is where you come in. You lucky people you!
I'll be listing ABSOlUTELY EVERYTHING I have that is made and ready to be shipped. Some of it is new stuff that I have just never had a chance to list and some of it is already in the shop now.
The sale starts TODAY, as in RIGHT NOW and ends on Saturday April 30, 2011!!!
Head on over to the shop! Once it is gone it is gone!!
And just because blogs are boring without any pictures I added some random ones in. Yeah, they have nothing really to do with any of this, but I hope you enjoy them. :)
WAIT!!! The give-a-way! I almost forgot.
Three ways to enter:
*** Like me on Facebook***
***Facebook, or blog about the sale***
and last but not least
***Tell me something you'd like me to start making or selling. No new ideas? Tell me your favorite thing I already make.***
Listen up this is important
if you do all three things make sure you post a comment for EACH OF THEM. That means if you complete all three tasks you should leave me three different comments.
And now if you have made it through this whole long wordy post leave an extra comment for yourself. You deserve a BONUS entry. :)