I'm having a giveaway on my Facebook page! Head on over and vote to enter!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
The 4th Annual Sewing Weekend!
Every year I host a Sewing Weekend. This marks the 3rd year (the first year we had so much fun we did it twice.) This also marks the 1st year all of my Anderson family girls were able to attend. We had a BLAST!
My Hubby took the kids to his Momma's house for the weekend while his Momma and our two Sisters-in-law came to our house. The agenda included a weekend full of sewing. I made it clear that this was a hard core event, there would be no shopping and no going to be early. We were here to sew/craft all day for the next two and a half days (I get a little intense during sewing weekend).
Friday started out with everyone arriving and me not being at my house when they did. I was at Target making some last minuet purchases when I got a phone call that they were waiting on my porch! OOPPS!! I already broke the first rule of no shopping.
Everyone was greeted with their very own pair of slippers. I purchased the pattern last year and have just been waiting for the perfect chance to use it. Since this weekend I have also purchased the little boy and little girl pattern for these slippers. I just couldn't resist.
We sewed and crafted and ate fondue (which I don't have a picture of because of said intensity to sewing weekend) made a frozen custard run and stayed up late, a couple of us until 2:39am!!
Katie found it a bit disturbing that I kept putting pins in my mouth to hold them. Am I the ONLY one who does this?
Saturday morning we awoke to the wonderful smell of a breakfast casserole in the oven with fresh, warm bran muffins waiting for us. Thanks Momma Carol for rising early to feed us! I then broke the no shopping rule again when I decided to change my quilt pattern a bit thus needing more fabric. I felt so bad. I told everyone I had to go to the fabric store, but they were welcome to stay and sew if they wanted. Let me just tell you that as fabric store junkies it was not a problem and we all went shopping with the Witches. It was a huge Witch event at Gardner Village and we loved every second of it.
All in all we got so much done. Brooke worked a lot on a Christmas present for her kids and it's going to be so cute!
Carol...well the thing is Carol forgot most of her fabric so she volunteered to help us with our projects and keep us supplied with fudge and frozen custard, which in my book contributed greatly to this event!
Katie finished her quilt top, and quilted said quilt top, that she has worked on for the last I'm not allowed to mention how many sewing weekends.
I finished two quilt tops, quilted one of them and basted the other (to be fair on of the tops was almost done!). The pictures for those will have to wait though. I can't spoil what's to come. :)
Thanks Ladies for such a great even this year! I already can't wait for next year!
A few things I learned this weekend...
A) Katie has some mad accessorizing skills.
B) When I'm tired frozen custard makes me kind of loopy! I think I scared my sisters forever!
C) These apple pie scones are just as good as they sound!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
My Three Moms
I have been blessed in this life with three amazing moms.
One Mom I was born to.
And one Mom was given to me when my born to Mom was too sick to be there and my married to Mom didn't yet know who I was.
These women are the best women I know. They have been with me through some the most difficult and also the best times in my life. They have made me who I am and for that I'll never be able to show my love for them enough. In my effort though I've designed each of them a quilt. I'll be posting them individually throughout the next couple of months.
And to these 3 amazing women in my life, thank you for everything. You were there even when I didn't know I needed you and it was those moments that helped me get through.
The VC
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Little Miss Infinity Scarf
Lily is the most girly girl I have ever met. I was always scared that I would end up having a tomboy and I wouldn't know what to do for fun with them, alas it was SO not the case. When I wear earrings Lily wants to wear earrings. Because her ears are not pierced we just loop them over her whole ear and she says, "beautiful". When I wear a Maxi dress Lily has to wear a Maxi dress (remember this). So when I wear an infinity scarf...
You guessed it, Lily has to wear an infinity scarf.
I thought maybe you knew a Little Miss like this too so I decided to make these Little Miss Infinity Scarfs available to all the Little Miss' out there.
Pick from any of these colors available and don't forget that today is the LAST day of the infinity scarf coupon code. Buy 3 or more and get 15% off with the code:
Mix and match adult and child, Mom and Little miss, any colors you'd like. Just be sure you use the code by the end of today to get your discount.
A special thanks to my Little Miss for being such a great little model! I love you my sweet girl!
The VC
LAST DAY for your 15% off!
Today is the last day to use your 15% off coupon code!
Now is the perfect time to treat yourself or order your Holiday gifts with 15% off of your order of 3 or more infinity scarfs.
Just look at all these pretty colors to choose from.
It ends today though so hurry on over to the shop.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
My Story
I've been asked a lot, "How did you learn to sew?"
My answer has always been, "I didn't know I could until I tried."
I was never taught to sew. My Mom was a very good seamstress and was always cutting patterns and making us clothes when I grew up. I remember our kitchen table being filled with her sewing machine, serger and fabric when I was really young. Her mother was also a seamstress, but her Grandma Stella Forsey was an AMAZING seamstress. My Mom always told me (and still does) stories of how every time they would go to visit, her Grandma would have a new dress made and waiting for them. Dresses my Grandma had designed herself, not from a pattern. Not just your run of the mill pillow case dress, but silk dresses with big bows on the back. You know the real elaborate ones that none of us would even think about making these days. When she died she was 92. I remember her. I was young, but I remember visiting her and how much I loved her. I remember running through the nursing home halls to find Grandma Forsey. When she died I was devastated. Her estate had already been divided, but my Mom, knowing how important she was to me and worried that I might some day forget, gave me the only thing I have of my Grandma Forsey - her Christmas sock. I'm pretty sure it is just the one that they had for her in the nursing home, but on the front in gold glitter script writing I read, "Stella." That was the first time I knew her name was not Grandma Forsey (ya, I was pretty young). I remember thinking how beautiful that name was and wishing it was mine.
Yes, I come from a line of women that could sew. I, however, was not taught by any of them. My Mom spent most of my formative years not sewing. I only remember her doing so when I was very, very young. I remember watching her create, and her letting me press the foot peddle on the sewing machine to let her help (I still don't dare let my kids do that). I remember wanting to sew like that, but being too young.
We were cleaning out our garage a few weekends ago and I came across a box from my younger years. When I opened it up I found this rumpled piece of fabric on top. Only it wasn't just a rumpled piece of fabric - it was my very first creation. My first original pattern. My very own design. My very first time using the sewing machine by myself.
It was a Thanksgiving dress for my doll, Stella.
I had completely forgotten about this dress, but when I pulled it from the box it all came flooding back to me. The day, the vision, my Mom getting frustrated with me when I tried to explain to her what I wanted her to make because, "you can't just make something from your head. You have to have a pattern." (she's going to die that I just put that in there, but she won't deny it). :) I do have to admit that it seemed far more masterpiece-like when I made it, but it is still amazing to me (as well as crazy funny)!
Let me go ahead and point out a couple finer points of the gown.
Fist you'll notice the wonderful appliqued/glued on turkey feathers. This, my friends, is nicely hand-stitched along the bottom for a wonderful accent (and because after stitching the bottom by hand there was no way I was going to go around all the feathers).
Don't forget about the pocket. No baby dress is complete without a usable pocket. "How did she do that amazing invisible stitching at such a young age?", you might be asking yourself. No rest for the weary and a healthy dose of heat 'n bond fusible liner. Yep, just iron on along the edges and you're done.
The casing for the ribbon/non-coordinating yarn was such a inspired idea to both keep the baby's feet warm as well as to keep the dress up. No need for a collar here.
My favorite part is of course the sleeves. Exquisitely designed for the minimalist a simple HOLE, which did the trick just fine. And because this baby was actually a doll and would never get the dress dirty, and therefore the dress would never need to be laundered, and fraying would not be a problem, there was no need (or know-how) to finish the edges.
This, my friends is how I learned to sew. I just did it and I just kept doing it.
My Mom told me the minute I started The Vintage Clothespin, "You are just like your Great-Grandma. She could see something in her head and just create it. No pattern, no directions, just make what she dreamed." I don't know about that. This amazing woman designed and made amazing dresses, pieces of clothing that actually had to fit someone. Bags, quilts, shoes and an occasional simple dress are a far cry from the things she must have created. All the same it has always been a secret pleasure of mine to think that maybe, just maybe I got a piece of my Great-Grandma. Maybe for some reason I will never know I was blessed to have that small, little piece of her passed on to me. What an amazing blessing!
Friday, October 5, 2012
New for fall! {for the little ladies}
It seems I only like to crochet in the fall (and winter too, but that is because I'd do anything to distract myself from winter.)
I have a few fun new things for fall and The Vintage Clothespin. I thought I'd give you a peek at what fall will bring to the shop.
What are your favorite things about fall? Is there anything you do in the fall that you don't do any other time of year? Don't tell me it's not your favorite season I'm not sure if I could wrap my head around that one. ;)
What are your favorite things about fall? Is there anything you do in the fall that you don't do any other time of year? Don't tell me it's not your favorite season I'm not sure if I could wrap my head around that one. ;)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
New for Fall! {For the Ladies}
Fall is officially here and so is my new fall line!! I'll be sharing it with you over the next few days. Stuff for you Ladies, little miss and even the little men out there!
This is one of my favorite fall staples!
Wear it simply with just a long sleeve tee. Dress it up with a button up or a cute cardigan or add a wonderful accessory to your trench coat. The Infinity Scarf fits all occasions!
It's made of a soft wool blend so its warm without being itchy. I'm kind of a itchy wimp so that is important to me.
This scarf would make the perfect Holiday gift for any woman! Coworker, wife, sister, daughter, you get the idea.
There are so many colors to choose from so if you aren't a fan of the deep eggplant or rustic orange just let me know and we'll find a color for you!
Look for The Infinity Scarf in my little shop here. Also, if you buy 3 or more you'll get 15% off your order (CODE:infinty15) as a debut discount (available through October 11, 2012) so start your Christmas Shopping early this year and save some mulah!
I would love to know, what are some colors you'd like to see this scarf in?
The VC
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Pumpkin spice goodness {RECIPE}
Let me share with you my major fall weakness.
Pumpkin Spice
I buy one of these Mainstays Pumpkin Spice candles every time I go to the big "W" store that I sort of despise, but is closer than any other store so I go to anyway. It smells like fall and I burn it all day long.
I wait every year until this beauty is available.
If the candle and the drink weren't enough how about these beauties?
Thanks to my little doughnut maker (you can also use a doughnut pan if you'd like) we have made these quite often already this season.
You want the recipe don't you. You know you do. Okay you talked me into it.
Here's what you need:
1 3/4 Cups Flour
1 1/2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/3 Cup vegetable oil (or applesauce)
1/2 Cup brown sugar
1 egg
2 teaspoons Vanilla
3/4 Cup Canned pumpkin
1/2 cup milk
for topping:
1/2 Cup melted butter
1 Cup Sugar
2-3 teaspoons Cinnamon
In a medium sized mixing bowl mix flour baking powder, salt and pumpkin pie spice. Set this bowl aside.
In a large bowl whisk together oil, brown sugar, egg, vanilla, milk and pumpkin. Mix together until it is all well combined. Slowly add the flour mixture and stir just until combined, don't over mix or your doughnuts will be kind of tough.
Spoon the batter into a gallon size storage bag and snip off the corner. fill each doughnut spot and close the lid. bake about 4 minutes or until the done light turns on. :) If you are using a doughnut pan be sure to grease it well, fill the doughnuts spots and bake at 350 for 8-9 minutes.
Once doughnuts are complete allow them to cool on a wire rack. While they are cooling melt butter. once cool dip in butter and then in cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Eat them while they are warm! They are the best that way. If you want to keep them warm for a while stick them in your oven on the lowest temp possible. I did this until my husband got home and they tasted like I had just finished dipping them.
They are just as good as they look. Better even!!

I linked up to this fun new blog I found! Can't wait to try her recipe too!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A Dress for Lily
A few days ago Lily insisted on wearing my apron. It looked so cute on her I decided I would have to make her a few but never got around to it.
I took the kids down to the basement and unboxed some of my fabric to let Lily choose. She started screaming in her high pitched squeal, "That one, I like that pink on Momma!" We bought the fabric upstairs and each kiddo got to help make a dress for Lily. They love sewing on the "robot machine" and this was a pretty simple project for them to help with. Plus I love that they keep saying, "We just made Lily a dress huh."
Monday, October 1, 2012
Pecan Pie Pockets {RECIPE}
My little brother came for a visit a little while ago. While he was here he found a deep fryer at a garage sale for $1.00 he bought it, used it once and with now way to get it home gifted it to me. I'm not sure if I should be saying this, but it was THE BEST GIFT EVER!
The night he gave it to me I made Fried Chicken (recipe to come soon and also to die for) and tater tots (yes along with the mashed potatoes to go with the dinner. And as it turns out are so much better when not baked in the oven). I could not stop though so I scanned my ever faithful Paula Dean recipe books and magazines for something fried. It didn't take long and I found these!
Pecan Pie Pockets
My husband spent some time in Georgia and he gets fake angry with me when I pronounce it "pea-con". Apparently in Georgia and the ONLY correct way to say it is "pea-CAN". He told me if I ever wanted to meet Paula Dean, which is my dream come true (she is my idol, my inspiration, my world. Maybe that's over the top, but close!) then I'd better learn to say it right.
Lets get to it. This is what you need:
1 Cup Sugar
2/3 Cup Light corn syrup
1/3 Cup Butter, melted
2 Large Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Chopped pecans
1/8 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 1/2 (15 ounce)Packages refrigerated pie crust
1 Egg yolk, beaten
Oil for frying
powder sugar for cute factor.
And here's what you do:
unroll pie crust on a lightly floured suraface. Cut into circles ( I just used a glass, but if you have a round cookie or pastry cutter that would work perfectly too). Re-roll dough and repeat until you have all the circles you can get.
In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, corn syrup, melted butter and eggs. Stir in pecans, vanilla and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat; reduce heat, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Poor filling into a bowl and allow it to cool until it is room temperature.
This step is very important! Do not be impatient!
NOT DO THIS!! I made the mistake of not letting the filling cool to room temp before attempting the pocket. Big old FAIL (I still cooked it and ate it anyway. Sad I know, but they were so good I couldn't just waste one!)
lay one of your cute circles on a clean surface and brush the egg yolk around the edges. Hold newly brushed circle in your hands and gently fold in half creasing just the corners. Then scoop 1 Tablespoon of pecan filling into the center and continue to press around with your fingers.
Now go around your little pocket with a fork. Make sure to not puncture you little pocket or the filling will leek out during the frying.
They will look so nice and cute. They will be begging you to put them in that hot oil to transform them into the beauties they were ment to be.
Fry those little babies up! You'll want at least 2" of oil. heat oil to 350 degrees fry pies, in batches, for 1 to 2 min. per side or until lightly browned. Drain on paper towels. Then comes the fun part. Dust those little cutes with some powder sugar. Isn't it obvious that I need a powder sugar duster! Maybe that will be my next kitchen purchase.
Eat them warm, but not too hot. They are still good the next couple of days, but they are divine warm and maybe a little ice cream on the side?
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